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Transformational Retreats


No matter where you are now, it is absolutely possible to live with a deep sense of peace.  Peace that comes when you are in radical alignment with your purpose and are guided by your heart and soul.


No matter how much doubt or judgement you may have, it is possible to feel confident.  A confidence that comes with truly accepting and welcoming all parts of yourself.  A confidence that comes from being connected to your essence.


With precision I will help illuminate your blind spots,  self-limiting beliefs, conditioning and deeply ingrained patterns that are holding you back so you may step into a more liberated, empowered and peaceful way of living.

Wixarika Ceremonies

Week stay with 3 ceremonies

Jan 17-24 2023


Forest Path Retreat

Jaya, Saraswati & Family

Feb 9-13


Misty Mountains




Magical Deserts




Exotic Urbanism




Misty Mountains




Our Vision 

Yacumama means "Mother of the Waters" in Quechua. This pristine place offers a deep immersion into nature - just being here connected to the pure energy of the land and waters is healing in itself.


About 1000 feet above sea level on the Pacific coast, Yacumama is surrounded by lush verdant mountains, the land is blessed with vast ocean vistas and abundant spring water that feeds a creek on the west, flowing parallel to a river with cascades & pools on the east.


About half of the 92 acres is forest, home to abundant wildlife with mature trees and incredible biodiversity. We have ocean breezes throughout the day and cool air from the lush green mountains that descends in the evenings.



With a mix of 30-50 anchored land stewards and another

30-40 shorter term residents we experience what it looks

and feels like to be living in harmonious relationship to the

land and each other.


Yacumama is a container for the evolution of consciousness

where new systems and structures for a thriving humanity are

seeded, bridging indigenous ancestral wisdom with modern

science and technology.




The quality of our lives is the quality of our relationships.  Humans have a natural need for intimacy and yet many of us have become so guarded against the very thing we desire.


Few of us have received the tools we need to navigate the things that arise in relationship - the triggers, fears of rejection and abandonment, fears of loosing our freedom to meet someone's expectation or attachments. 


All of these challenges present a tremendous opportunity to innerstand ourselves to grow and evolve.


I'm passionate about reimagining relationship.  


With a plethora of tools for things like conscious communication and conflict resolution, I can support you in bringing more openness, intimacy, connection, authenticity, trust, passion and love to all of your relationships - professional, family, friends and with your beloved.


I have worked with couples, individuals, and groups around conscious relationships and sexuality for many years and am definitely still learning as a humble student in the art of authentic relating. 



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This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise. 

Application Process

It would be my deepest honor to guide you on your path to freedom.  You will be held in a safe, compassionate and loving way without judgement where ALL of you is welcome.  


We will refine your highest vision for your life in the areas of spirituality/personal growth, purpose/career/service, financial abundance, relationship to your self, self care, creativity, sexuality, health/vitality, emotional health, relationships with friends, family and intimate partners - starting with the areas that are most important to you. 


Using quantum healing, we will go back to the roots of your limiting patterns, clear timelines and reprogram negative experiences so that your nervous system/operating system can function from a foundation of wholeness.

Together we'll create new empowering programs that are in alignment with your truth to replace the unconscious self limiting ones to help you reach your goals and actualize your visions in a way that balances fun & inspiration with structure & accountability. 


I will share tools that can become your foundation for living more regularly in the flow state, feeling more vital and alive, creating a mindset for success and carrying deep peace with you into your daily life.






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