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Into the Fire

MANifestation Men's Gathering

with Dustin Kyle Brooks, Pablo Lucero, & Grant Ifflander

January 20 - 26, 2025
Yacumama, Ojochal, Costa Rica

This isn't a mission for those still figuring themselves out -- this is for the men ready
to step into the fire, reclaim their seat
on the throne of their life, and lead their people
with courage, humility, devotion, clarity, beauty and truth.

If that's you, then we'll see you in the arena, Jan. 20th - 26th...

“Hard times make strong men. Strong men make easy times. Easy times make weak men.
Weak men make hard times. Hard times make strong men...”

The cycle repeats. Where are we in the cycle? Where is the world? Where are our fellow brothers?

Through the power of responsibility we can generate a better future — together.
This has been happening for a long, long time. And men, just like you and I, have decided to rally themselves, to put ourselves in the arena, and to purify ourselves of the toxicity that is plaguing our world. Men like you and I who are over playing the victim game, are over the misuse and abuse of power, are done blaming others, and are tired of avoiding the enormous task of responsibility.

The self-reflective question is this:
“Where am I in relationship to my world? Am I paralyzed from taking those critical steps, or am I taking decisive action to make MY world a better place?”

This simple question is the premise for Into the Fire. Without clarity of our situation, we cannot begin the task of building a better future. Nor can we understand the importance of engaging in experiences such as “men’s work”.

Some men would rather bury their heads in the sand and continue to deceive themselves into thinking that this responsibility lies on someone else’s shoulders — their women, their children, their friends, their community. Not men forged in the fire of the brotherhood; these men are ready to take ultimate responsibility, and thereby make the ultimate sacrifice: Into the Fire.

We are called to gather together at Yacumama for another round of MANifestation, centered around the simplicity and the magnitude of this mission.

Seven days to dig.
Seven days to burn.
Seven days to die.
Seven days to LIVE.



(Subject to change due to weather, group energetics, etc)

Jan. 20, Monday

10AM - Arrival to Yacumama
11 - Lunch
12PM - Ceiba Offerings
3 - Orientation
4 - Opening Meditation
8 - Dinner
9 - Workshop

Day 1 - Reveal & Expose

Grant by fire.jpg

Jan 21, Tuesday

6AM - Meditation & Movement
8:30 - Breakfast
9:30 - Workshop
1PM - Lunch
2 - Workshop
5:30 - Dhuni Fire Ritual
10 - Dinner / Rest

Day 2 - Will Power

Jan. 22, Wednesday

6AM - Meditation & Movement
8 - Opening Ceremony
8PM - Dinner
9 - Fire Prayers / Closing

Day 3 - Love & Forgiveness

Jan 23, Thursday

6AM - Meditation & Movement
8:30 - Breakfast
9:30 - Sharing / Integration Circle
1PM - Departure

Day 4 - Express & Create

Jan. 24, Friday

6AM - Meditation & Movement
8 - Opening Ceremony
8PM - Dinner
9 - Fire Prayers / Closing

Day 5 - Love & Forgiveness

Jan 25, Saturday

6AM - Meditation & Movement
8:30 - Breakfast
9:30 - Sharing / Integration Circle
1PM - Departure

Day 6 - Express & Create

Jan. 26, Sunday

6AM - Meditation & Movement
8 - Opening Ceremony
8PM - Dinner
9 - Fire Prayers / Closing

Day 7 - Love & Forgiveness

*Option to stay 1 more night..

Co-Facilitation Team



We have a variety of accommodations all nestled in nature to connect you with the forest and inspire you with expansive views of the ocean, mountains and jungle. You will likely see blue morpho butterflies, hummingbirds, toucans, scarlet macaws, monkeys and more right from your room.​​



We have a variety of accommodations all nestled in nature to connect you with the forest and inspire you with expansive views of the ocean, mountains and jungle. You will likely see blue morpho butterflies, hummingbirds, toucans, scarlet macaws, monkeys and more right from your room.​​

What's Included:

  • Ceremonial Experiences:

  • Organic, farm-to-table, meals

  • ​


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